Along the Way
Kevin A. Codd
I have done some writing over the years and am particularly proud of. My contributions to the category of “contemporary pilgrim literature.” My books sharing my own pilgrim experiences along the Way of Saint James, both in Spain and in France, have been well received since their publication. Read on for more information on these books and some other writings…
To The Field of Stars:
A Pilgrim’s Journey to Santiago de Compostela
Not long after I passed the 50-year mark in my life, I walked the 500-mile Camino De Santiago de Compostela, beginning in the French village of Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, crossing into Spain on the first day, and then some 34 days later, finishing the pilgrimage to the tomb of the Apostle James. I kept a journal from day to day and the memories recorded in that journal became the heart of this book. Since its publication in 2008, it has become one of the “go to” pilgrimage narratives for a new generation of pilgrims.
I continue to receive kind and appreciative letters and emails from its readers even after almost fifteen years, for which I am deeply grateful.
To The Field of Stars is available from Amazon; just click here: ORDER FIELD OF STARS
You are welcome to view a video of myself reading a passage from To The Field of Stars on my VIDEO page.
Comments on This Book:
Martin Sheen, (actor):
In this wonderful book Father Codd brilliantly captures for us the essence of pilgrimage. He is a candid and engaging guide to the physical realities involved — the beauty of nature, the aches and pains of weariness, and other pilgrims along the way. More than that, though, he reveals the interior journey, equally difficult and equally rewarding. It is a spiritual and emotional trek on which pilgrims are confronted with their own broken humanity and come face to face with the God they seek.
Commonweal Magazine:
“Both a pilgrimage journal and a priest’s wonderfully unsentimental meditation on faith.”
Spirit & Life
To say that this book is a delightful experience is putting it far too mildly. It is rather a high spiritual adventure as one travels day by day, mile by mile to the famous Spanish shrine of St. James, along with the author and many of the pilgrims he meets and loves along the way. . . . May this inspirational book find a wide readership and bring its message of love and faith to a world sorely in need.
Beyond Even the Stars:
A Compostela Pilgrim
in France
Inspired by a few pilgrims I had met in Spain who had walked to Compostela from their homes in the Netherlands, Belgium, or Germany, some years later, I found myself feeling drawn to make a similar effort.
Having completed my service as rector/president of The American College in Leuven/Louvain, Belgium, I set out from the front door of the College and headed south through Belgium and France. This book is the story of that pilgrimage.
As it turned out, the experience was much different from my first pilgrimage through Spain; I was much more alone along the way and that solitude offered me more space for reflection on both my daily walks and my life in general.
Beyond Even the Stars is a more reflective narrative than To the Field of Stars, but shares its “first person” and “present tense” style. It was also much more difficult to write and took many more years to bring to print. Readers have assured me that it was worth the effort…and the wait. It is available on Amazon, just click here: ORDER BEYOND EVEN THE STARS
To watch a brief slide-show of my travels through France, click on the video window to the left.
You are also invited to watch a video of myself reading a passage from the book on the VIDEO page.
Comments on This Book:
Robert Mickens, La Croix International, English Editor
Kevin Codd has provided yet another moving testimony to a pilgrimage that has captured the imagination of fellow travelers on the road to Compostela. His latest book adds texture and tenderness to his earlier work, recounts personal setbacks and triumphs, and will inspire all who look to deepen the meaning and purpose of their lives. This is a must read for all who aspire sot set out on the way, those who have already made the journey and those who are merely curious to know why so many have made this pilgrim's trek down the ages.